Sunday, April 6, 2008

sick and grumpy

my head is pounding and my spine feels like a metastasizing tumor. every time i swallow I feel like i am going to through up. i have work tomorrow.
One, no
two, no
three times
at least
four and five are definite possibilities.
is it worth it?
Is it worth my back hurting?
is it worth the sleep loss?
is it worth....
the BIGGER headache?

Im complaining about being dizzy and disoriented and stuff. It really is helped by the fact i miss you. I feel like I didnt do enough for you last time around. I feel like I can do more. But right now, with my head pounding and my back hurting i can't.

I dropped the math minor. screw math. Its not that i think "screw math" its the whole "screw my school's math department" thing. I really do hate those sons of bitches. i can learn linear algebra in my own sweet time, I guess. Maybe, after this headache does away.

Fuck. I also have a doctors appointment tomorrow.
I'm not gonna do shit on tuesday. I am not going to do shit on wednesday. Thurday, I am getting hammered. I have a very special friend with a handle of some college-appropriate liquor and I have fresh mint, so we're doing shots and mojitos. I think I will buy an overpriced rum and a few limes
shit, I have to buy limes. where the fuck can I buy limes where I live? that's gonna be a 90 min + pursuit.
AND it's definitely, definitely time to go to a spa. Personal hygiene is slipping.

... but then I'll have spa, airplane tickets, camp, rum, rent, and other stuff to take care of...oh, and SCHOOL. Lucky me! Mother's day is coming up, too!
and I still have to get my student load in line
and i STILL have a ton of other shit to do


Spa- At least $80, probably more like 100
Airline- $250
Camp- $500
Rum and limes- $40
rent and god knows what else- god knows what

Sometimes, the sixteen hundred or so i can pull in within a few days really, really isnt shit.

I just want to go on vacation.