Sunday, August 16, 2009


I will hurt two people
I believe one will turn inward and continue to self destruct, very gorgeously
and I believe the other will turn inward and grow and bloom into an ugly garish thing I dont want to be party to
I do not want to be part of either person in some ways
and in other ways im glad i was part of their lives in some small way at some small fork in their life journeys
but they have great drugs
obviously, youve never been left for anyone more attractive than you

the better question is if i ever really have.

New people, new thoughts, new exploration. Ive been far more sober in a different way than ive been in a while, but I am constantly re-exploring chapters that I thought were over.

Either way its fun.
im drunk and I wish i knew where I was going with any of this

I'll be back to where I was by Christmas