Thursday, March 27, 2008

Moar Metal

The kingdom of sorrow CD was finally released- I have NO idea if it's good or not but I'm excited. Their song "Buried in Black" is particularly brutal. The Children of bodom cd seems like a failsafe option; anything involving blood or the consumption of alcohol is cool, and their album is called blooddrunk. Insant classic material.

In other news im going through a bit of a sleepless spell. I havent slept properly since sunday night. I'm exhausted, but not tired. I see nonexistent movement out of the corner of my eye and the simplest thought processes have come painful. I'm pretty sure my genetics TA thinks I like him. I stayed after class to ask something, and he was talking to me and i totally zoned out and i was just staring at him. I forgot what I asked and I excused myself.

Suspendc is this weekend! Wheeee!

Funny neutrino tale:

Calculations derived from the relationship between the formation of helium and the creation and release of neutrinos in the sun’s photosphere can be used to predict the rate of fusion in the core. However, until the early twenty first century, electron neutrino detectors were only picking up a third of the predicted neutrino flux from the sun, which should have dispersed into space according to the inverse square law. Theoretical physicists applied mathematical reasoning and physics to suggest patterns of neutrino oscillation between electron neutrinos, tau neutrinos, and muon neutrinos; after a certain distance, oscillating neutrino types would become evenly distributed. When new detectors were made that could detect all three types of neutrinos, the predicted neutrino output was measured, verifying the theoretical physicists’ hypothesis.


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